Monday, September 7, 2009

This Week at Little Miss: The Scrub Trials

I have a confession...I've got something, well, a little icky...
It's called keratosis pilaris — in layman's terms, chicken skin (ew!). 

We're not talking the fleeting thrill of goosebumps or the chills...this is all day, all the time...not just a cold weather surprise. Basically, I constantly have these tiny white bumps all over my arms above the elbow that just do not go away. Sometimes I get them on my legs, too.
It's quite harmless, in fact, it's estimated that around 50% of the world's population have it in some form or another, but nonetheless, it's unpleasant looking. Oh, and did I mention it's hereditary?! I've got it mildly...thankfully.

Unfortunately, due to it's unsightly nature, it drives me BONKERS! 
The best cure for me? A good, ol' fashion scrubbin'! 
A great scrub makes serious work of those bumps, and for the most part gives my skin a much smoother, more touchable and even appearance. 

So, over the next few weeks, I'm trying the best of the best scrubs out there. 
I'll fill you in on what works, what doesn't, how they smell, and the whole nine yards.

Now, little bumps — BE GONE!
Stay tuned...

P.S. Got a scrub you LOVE that I should try or that you're just DYING to tell the world about?
Tell me about it in the comments or on Twitter @LittleMissNose.

{photo cred: jordi labanda}

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